We are open Monday to Saturday with extended hours
We are open Monday to Saturday with extended hours
+ B.AppSc
+ GradDipAppSc (ManipPhysio)
+ CertAppErgonomics
+ APA Titled Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist
Jacquelyn has been practising as a Titled Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist for 25 years and has completed further studies in Ergonomics. She has extensive clinical experience managing a diverse case load of musculoskeletal recreational, sporting and work related injuries. She has delivered Ergonomics Consulting services to assist with the management and prevention of injuries in the workplace.
She is currently providing clinical services at North Shore Private Hospital treating musculoskeletal injuries, post-operative orthopaedic rehabilitation and physiotherapy care to pre and post natal patients.
Jacquelyn has expertise in the management of neck and lower back pain and the rehabilitation of tendon pathologies. In her spare time she enjoys keeping fit bushwalking and camping with her family and swimming the Manly to Shelly Beach Bold & Beautiful.
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