We are open Monday to Saturday with extended hours

An Update on Our Current Services

We would like to take this opportunity to update you on our current services available at Total Physiotherapy. Our priority continues to be the health and safety of our staff and clients.

To this end we are offering face-to-face appointments for acute musculoskeletal and soft tissue injuries only.

We will follow the COVID-19 infection control advice, having completed the Government COVID-19 control training.

Services Currently Offered:

Face-to-face Consultations:

– Musculoskeletal and soft tissue injuries

– Remedial massage (30-minute appointments ONLY)

– Clinical Equipment or Mat Class (max 1 participant, or max 2 participants if members of the same household)

– Paediatric physiotherapy: Available for new borns or acute paediatric injuries

– Elective surgery rehabilitation and education: Both pre and post-operative, and management for those who have had cancellation of their surgeries.

– Home Visits: Available for acute musculoskeletal and soft tissue injuries

To book a face-to-face consultation please call reception on 02 9907 0321.

Online Services:

– Telehealth (video consultations): Via Physiapp/Zoom, which will allow patients to still have a full physical assessment, subjective history and appropriate prescription or treatment/education relevant to the presenting pathology. Click here to book an online consultation.

– Clinical mat exercise classes (both beginner and advanced): Limited to 4 patients who must be assessed by a physiotherapist prior to attending to ensure safety and specificity of exercises to their pathology. Click here to view current class timetable.

– Ergonomic assessment for the home office or home classroom: Each assessment will involve a pre-analysis of the working environment, 20-minute virtual consultation with a physiotherapist, written report and advice for any practical adjustments and postural exercises to keep the pain away. Learn more by clicking here.

– Over 60s classes:8 people in each class, 12 classes per week, extended to all elderly in home (must have assessment prior). Call us on 02 9907 0321 for more information.

– Osteoarthritis exercise programs and education: In line with the latest evidence-based practice and modelled off our existing GLA:D OA program, specifically for knee and hip pain/function. Click here to view current class timetable.

– Elective surgery rehabilitation and education: Both pre and post-operative, and management for those who have had cancellation of their surgeries.

– Paediatric physiotherapy:Click here to learn more.

– Women’s Health assessment and treatment: Specifically pre and post-natal, as well as continence issues.

– Worker’s compensation/CTP Appointments: Covered 100% with approval from insurer.

– We are still accepting EPC and DVA referrals.

If you have any questions regarding the services we are providing above, please do not hesitate to contact us directly. We remain committed to the excellent level of service and care we provided prior to this pandemic and hope to continue providing you with our services over the coming months and into the future once we open our physical doors again.

If we can help or assist you in anyway please let us know!

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on 02 9907 0321 or email us at: reception@totalphysiomv.com

We are all in this together!

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