
How to Prepare for a Paediatric Physiotherapy Video Consultation

Total physiotherapy is now using video consultations (known as Telehealth) to continue our expert care with current and new patients. Telehealth has been used successfully to treat remote clients and is now being employed to treat our local clients during the COVID-19 pandemic. The NDIA, Chronic Disease Management (Formerly Medicare Enhanced Primary Care or EPC), and most private health funds have all approved funding for Telehealth Physiotherapy in this time of crisis (April 2020).   

What is paediatric physiotherapy using telehealth? 

A telehealth consultation can be videoconferencing, phone calls, email or direct messages.

It is used for: 

  • Physiotherapy assessment 
  • Therapy  
  • Education 
  • Home exercises programmes 
  • Virtual meetings between healthcare providers 
  • Equipment trials 

What will an assessment look like with children? 

Your paediatric physiotherapist will ask you about how your child is going with their current exercises and injuries.  

If you have a baby, you will be asked to place them in positions for play for observation and treatment. You may be asked to perform their neck stretches. 

If you have a toddler, you will be asked to engage them in play in various positions. 

If you have a child, they will be asked to perform various assessment measures e.g. balance on 1 leg or stretch. 

What will treatment look like? 

As they usually do, your experienced paediatric physiotherapist will use their clinical reasoning skills to form a treatment plan for child. Treatment may include: 

  • Stretches 
  • Positioning for play for babies and toddlers 
  • Home exercise programme  
  • Coaching parents and children 
  • Advice on activity modification 
  • Teaching the parents to massage or strapping 
  • Self-massage using spikey balls or foam rollers for older children 
  • Trial of orthotics and splints if needed 

What conditions can we treat? 

We can treat all of the conditions that we usually see in our practice. This includes torticollis, plagiocephaly, gross motor delay, talipes, metatarsus adductus, hypermobility, low muscle tone, toe walking, coordination disorders, Sever’s disease, growing pains and musculoskeletal injuries. 

How can you prepare for your session? 

Have an area clear to allow your child to move around. If they are using exercise equipment have that nearby (e.g. balance cushion, ball, foam roller, Theraband). An exercise mat can be useful for older children. For babies and toddlers, have some of their favourite toys handy. 

How do I book a Telehealth Consultation? 

You can book online here, or please call our reception on 02 9907 0321 to book in a Telehealth appointment over the phone.

Do I need a referral? 

You will need a GP referral for your private health rebate if you have not seen us in the last 6 months. Treatment of chronic conditions under EPC plans also require GP referral. 

If you have any questions please contact us today on 02 9907 0321.

Stay safe and healthy!

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