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Patient Reflections on Persistent Pain

Patient reflections on persistent pain

We asked these women to reflect on their experience with persistent pain – how it felt and what helped them improve. While they all experienced a different journey, exercise and movement were a common key factor in their recovery.

Sarah “There are always periods where stress levels are higher than normal. I know now that this is the most important time to continue regular exercise. Instead of exercising because I think I should, I exercise as though my life depends on it – and in fact it does. Weekly Pilates is like “oiling the joints for me. Stress may create the occasional stiff and painful neck still, but it is no longer the major crisis it has been in the past. I believe this is directly related to my improved core strength and stability from Pilates.”

Jill “Having nerve pain and hypersensitivity is a terribly lonely, debilitating condition causing confusion, frustration and panic in the patient. Having a medical person such as a physiotherapist validate the condition/syndrome is critical to the vulnerable patient. Keep moving and exercising. Practice breathing and have quiet times. Stay with the medical practitioner who is able to validate your condition. With their input and recognition things will improv with time.”

Susy “It took me decades to realise exercise was good for me – I was always happy to curl up with a book when I was tired. Persistent head, neck and shoulder pain sent me to physio and it was Donna who told me (in no uncertain terms) that my body needed to move – I was seizing up! So I started walking or swimming for half an hour every day. It literally changed my life. Now if I’m tired I know that a walk will make me feel better than my bed. Revolutionary …. and also very pleasant on a beautiful sunny day.”

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