“How soon can I return to running after I’ve had a baby?”
This is a question Women’s Health physio’s hear frequently. Our answer is often “how long is a piece of string?” as the ideal time frame varies greatly depending on a number of factors:
- Pre-pregnancy and prenatal exercise – generally the longer you have continued exercise, the easier it is to return
- The number of pregnancies, mode of delivery, complications
- Presence of any pelvic floor symptoms such as leaking of urine or faeces; trouble controlling wind (from the back passage); vaginal pressure/bulging/heaviness with walking or running
- Musculoskeletal pain – typically low back or lower limbs with running – particularly if this has been a problem in the past
A group of UK physiotherapists have studied the research ( which is somewhat lacking) and devised postnatal return to running guidelines. https://mailchi.mp/38feb9423b2d/returning-to-running-postnatal-guideline
Their conclusion is that three months postpartum is a realistic time frame for return to running, however it may occasionally be sooner and often much longer depending upon the individual situation. Highly recommended is a postnatal pelvic health assessment with a Women’s Health physiotherapist to guide return to running and prevent problems. The group have devised examples of how to progress home and general exercise to prepare your body to be “ready to run.”
At Total Physiotherapy we have the following options for a postnatal assessment:
- Post Natal Screening (30mins – $105)
For women who have no pelvic floor related symptoms and no significant abdominal separation but would like to check the function of these muscles with real time ultrasound. If information from the birth history or ultrasound findings suggest a need for further assessment and treatment, a follow up appointment will be recommended. There is not sufficient time in the appointment to prescribe home exercises
- Post Natal Screening (45mins – $145)
For women who have known abdominal separation and no pelvic floor related symptoms. Includes ultrasound assessment of the pelvic floor function and detailed assessment of the abdominal muscles as well as advice and prescription of home exercises. If information from the birth history or ultrasound findings suggest a need for further assessment and treatment of the pelvic floor, a follow up appointment will be recommended
- Post Natal Screening (60mins – $170) $136 until 1st Nov
For women who have pelvic floor related symptoms or would like the more informative vaginal assessment of their pelvic floor muscles to check muscle strength (strength cannot be assessed by ultrasound). Includes assessment of any abdominal separation if relevant. Advice, treatment and follow up plan devised depending on findings
We also have 2 packages for new mums which include an assessment:
- “Relax and and recover” for new mums
Ideal for mothers with young babies to assist the body’s recovery from birth
- 30 min massage
- 45 min postnatal assessment – includes check of pelvic floor and abdominal muscle function, guide return to exercise (any time from 6 wks postpartum)
- Foam roller – great for stretches, self-massage and core exercises.
Total value = $265 Price = $ 250
- “Restore the core”
Ideal for mothers of young babies who are wishing to return to exercise in a safe, supervised class specific to postnatal recovery
- 60 min exercise class assessment
- 5 postnatal exercise classes
- Pilates socks
Total value = $270 Price = $250
For more information or to book in contact reception on 02 9907 0321.