Are you bored at home? It’s time to get exercising!
One of the exemptions for staying at home is exercise. And that is because we all know that exercise is essential for good health, be that cardiovascular, bone, muscle or mental health.
Maybe now is the time to commence that exercise programme you have been putting off and address your exercise barriers.
Barrier 1
“I don’t have time” – This is often reported as the main reason people don’t exercise. Well now it is not such a barrier – working from home has reduced commute time and that may also mean your partner is able to be with kids while you exercise. Or maybe the whole family can exercise together. Plus there’s no time spent running kids around to all their activities. Lack of time is no longer an excuse!
Barrier 2
“I don’t know what to do” – If it’s been a while since you’ve exercised, a video consultation with our Exercise Physiologist Emily is the best place to start. She will help set goals, plan how to achieve them and help you stick with the programme.
Barrier 3
“I have a niggling injury” – A video consultation with one of our physios can help you finally sort out that bothersome injury. Book a video consultation (Telehealth) appointment today by clicking here.
Barrier 4
“My pelvic floor is not what it used to be” – Whether it’s bladder leakage (stress incontinence) with running, or awareness of prolapse with a weights programme, our Women’s Health physiotherapists are here to help you. Research has shown that Telehealth consultations are highly effective in improving stress incontinence.
Barrier 5
“My core and flexibility isn’t the same as what it use to be” – So often we hear people say “my back was much better when I was doing the exercise class with my physio.” Good news – we have over 30 classes running online each week. You can book in a group of 5 classes or book as a casual as availability allows.