The GLA:D Australia Program (also known as Good Life with osteoArthritis: Denmark) is a research program originally from Denmark that targets anyone with hip or knee joint pain.
Bone Fit and Strong
Our Bone Fit and Strong classes are a structured weight and impact training program tailored to you.
Diabetes Strong + Fit Program
Our Diabetes Strong + Fit Program is a nine-week program designed to help individuals with Type 2 Diabetes increase their insulin sensitivity and better manage this condition. This program is delivered in accordance with a Type 2 Diabetes GP referral, which offers a rebate on all sessions.
Back Fit Program
Our BackFit Program is an exercise-based program designed to help individuals safely return to the gym and exercise following a back injury.
The class emphasis is on balance, strengthening and mobility exercises, consisting of exercises in both sitting and standing positions.
Gross Motor Skills
Gross Motor Skills are physical skills that require whole body movement and involve the large muscles in the arms, legs and torso.
Baby Development
An educational and fun class under the supervision of an experienced physiotherapist to teach parents how to position your baby for play to facilitate gross motor development. You will learn different play and resting positions appropriate for your baby’s level.